Litter Picking
As part of our character education, our Year 7s get the opportunity to volunteer to go on a litter pick within our community. They collect as much rubbish as they can and enjoy talking to locals who often give them compliments.
One of our initiatives as a 'Plastic Clever School' is to collect plastic bottle lids on the litter picks and work with Miss Dexter in DT to melt them down in order to be able to make key rings.
See our litter pickers in action here
Food Bank
As part of our character education, our Year 8s get the opportunity to volunteer to go on a trip to the local foodbank and serve their community. Every term, a group of volunteers head to Wesley Hall Foodbank to help out at their food pantry. They each have different roles, from collecting money, to registering customers, stacking shelves and helping people get their items.
Syria Toy Appeal
In 2021, our Year 8s got the opportunity to work with One Nation to supply bags of toys to orphans in Syria. They collected donations of toys from our staff and students, wrote messages which were translated into Arabic, packed the bags and loaded them onto the One Nation van.
Watch the children receive our donations here
Air Ambulance Appeal
As part of our character education, our Year 9s get the opportunity to volunteer to collect second-hand, pre-loved donations from staff and students to donate to the Air Ambulance Charity Shops.
Sleep Out for the Homeless
As part of our character education, our Year 10s and 11s get the opportunity to volunteer to take part in a 'Sleep Out' to raise awareness around homelessness and what it feels like to sleep outside. They create shelters out of cardboard boxes to sleep in and get to meet with a local homeless charity, The Bridge Homelessness for Hope, to hear real accounts of what it feels like to be homeless.
Watch their experience here