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SEND Information

Welcome to the SEND- Special Educational Needs and Disability- department.

The SEND department supports young people who have a Special Educational Needs, or a Disability.

The SENDCo, Mrs L Glasby , provides advice and information to teachers to ensure that the needs of individual young people are being met across the curriculum. We also have an SEMHCo (Social, Emotional and Mental Health Co-ordinator) Ms T Tong. 

Please use the drop downs below find out about what our department has to offer. Or, please contact Mrs Glasby for more information.

To view the SEND Curriculum please click here

To view our SEND policy please click here

What SEND do we cater for?

Crown Hills College is an inclusive, mainstream College. We strive to meet the needs of young people who attend our setting as best we can. We currently have young people with a range of needs in Cognition and Learning; Communication and Interaction; Physical and Sensory Impairments; and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties.

This includes young people with visual impairments, hearing impairments, ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and developmental language difficulties.

Crown Hills College work in close partnership with SEND support services to provide individualised and appropriate support to young people on the SEND register.

What should I do if I think my child has SEND?

If you have concerns about your child you can contact the SENDCo or SEMHCo

SENDCo, Mrs Glasby – email:

SEMHCo, Ms Tong- email: 

You will have opportunities throughout the year to attend Parent Consultation Evenings, where teachers and key members of staff are available. There is one parent consultation evening for each year group. The SENDCo is available on these evenings. This is an opportunity to raise or discuss any concerns you, as a parent/ carer, have regarding your child’s learning. We also share ‘commitment to learning’ grades three times per year to demonstrate attitude towards learning. These commitment reviews can highlight any areas where a young person may have difficulties which you may wish to discuss.

There are a number of different reasons that may cause a young person to be working below age-related expectations, or not be making progress. It is important to consider all possible reasons; lack of progress does not necessarily mean that a young person needs to be identified as having SEND.

What if my child needs extra support?

The SENDCo has links to the feeder primary schools and visits the primary schools during the Spring and Summer terms before students move to Crown Hills. Young people who are on the SEND register at primary school will transfer directly to the SEND register at Crown Hills.

We use SATs data from primary schools, and our own assessments, to track and monitor progress for all students. This data is used to identify where a young person may need additional support or intervention.

If your child has received support from an outside agency at Primary school, we will receive copies of any reports. The agency may continue to work with your child at Crown Hills, and will offer on-going advice and support if required.

If a young person is not making age- or ability- related progress in a number of subject areas, we will discuss this in school and consider appropriate support or interventions. A teacher may raise a concern with the SENDCo or Head of Year. The SENDCo will look at the prior and current attainment, and may ask other teachers for information. The SENDCo will contact the parent/ carer. The SENDCo may complete some assessments to identify any potential learning needs.

Teachers will refer a young person to the SENDCo if they have any concerns.

Young people are not added to or removed from the SEND register without consultation with parents/ carers.

Crown Hills has an EAL coordinator who oversees the provision for students who are international new arrivals. We work closely together to identify whether a student’s needs are related to having English as an Additional Language, or whether they may have an underlying learning need as well.

How will the college support my child?

The progress of young people with SEND is the responsibility of the class teacher. The needs of most young people can be met through good quality teaching in the classroom. This includes knowledge-first teaching, which is ‘chunked’, responsive teaching, appropriate differentiation for those students with EHC plans (or personal profiles) and the deployment of additional adults, such as Teaching Assistants, for support. Teaching Assistants should not replace the class teacher, but should work closely with the class teacher to ensure that students are accessing the curriculum.

At Crown Hills Community College, we have adopted a knowledge-first and responsive approach to teaching and learning. Knowledge-first teaching posits that the teachers are the experts in their chosen fields; therefore, they share our knowledge first before they expect SEND students to have an informed opinion about a complex moral issue, for example. There is a strong relationship between teachers’ subject knowledge and students’ progress and this applies just as much to those with SEND. Responsive teaching puts the onus on teachers to devise strategies to tell them where their SEND students are and then, absolutely crucially, to adjust their teaching in response so that SEND students’ learning is advanced.

Teachers are provided with a personal profile for young people with SEND who have the most acute needs; those who have an outside agency involved, or who have an EHC plan. A profile may be produced for a young person who has a very specific need to support them in the classroom.

All young people are entitled to accessing the full curriculum. Where a young person needs to access a specific intervention, we ensure that it is purposeful and appropriate to meet their needs effectively. We run intervention groups to support students with literacy and reading; maths; social and emotional difficulties; language skills; and communication and interaction. Staff who deliver interventions are trained and supported by the SENDCo or outside agencies where necessary. Interventions being delivered have been selected because there is evidence that they have a positive impact on progress. Progress is monitored closely. Most interventions are short term.

At KS4, some young people with SEND may benefit from access to an alternative curriculum, or personalised time table. This is planned in consultation with parents.

For any young person with a disability, lessons and activities will be modified to meet their needs.

  • Visual impairments: use of ICT, screen sharing, modified resources, specialist sports equipment such as bell balls, and consideration of seating arrangements.
  • Hearing impairments: use of ICT, radio mics, consideration of seating plans.
  • Dyslexia: coloured overlays, electronic spell checkers, reading pens, ICT software.

Will I be informed on how my child is doing?

All parents/ carers are invited to attend Parent Consultation Evenings. There is one Parent Consultation for each year group each year. The SENDCo is available at the Parent Consultation Evenings. Students are also issued with a written report from each subject area.

Where students are in an intervention group the students are assessed pre-and post-intervention to measure their progress. This information is provided to parents/ carers by letter, or within a meeting.

Students with an EHC plan will have a statutory Annual Review. This is an opportunity for parents/ carers to discuss progress with the SENDCo, and to meet with outside agencies who are involved with their child. Any changes to the EHC plan will be made at this meetingwhich is sent to the local authority to confirm the suggested changes and update the EHC plan.

The SENDCo will hold other meetings as appropriate to the needs of individual students. Parents may request a meeting with the SENDCo at any time throughout the year, or request a phone call.

When young people are seen by an outside agency, a report will be sent home to tell you what has been done, and to share strategies for on-going support.

How much support does my child need?

Young people identified as SEND Support:

As part of transition from primary school, information is requested from parents. All students will complete baseline assessments in year 7. Where a student falls below a specific criteria, this will be investigated further though individual assessments. The results of individual assessments will inform the college of the type of intervention that may be appropriate for each young person. During the Autumn term, the SENDCo will contact parents of young people on the SEND register to discuss support.

Interventions are delivered according to needs. The type of intervention may change as a student gets older, and as they make progress. The length of interventions vary depending on the programme. Most interventions are short-term to reduce loss of curriculum time.

Where students are not thriving in school despite interventions and support being put in place, it may be appropriate to refer to an outside agency. This will be done in consultation with parents.

Where a young person has been referred to and assessed by an outside agency, a report is produced and sent to the college and to parents. The SENDCo will plan to implement the advice provided by the outside agency to support the young person. Parents/ carers will be invited to discuss the report and how support will be implemented.

For young people who have an EHC plan:

Students with an EHC plan have been through a Statutory assessment process to identify and diagnose or recognise a learning difficulty or disability, and provision is outlined in their plan. Support and intervention will be planned accordingly.

The allocation of resources and the type and amount of support is informed through an EHC plan. Parents are invited to attend the Annual Review meeting, which is an opportunity to discuss the support required over the following year. This will include support in school, curriculum arrangements, and support from outside agencies.

Additional sources of support:

Students who are Looked After Children will have access to tuition for English and Maths, and support provided by the Virtual Schools Team as appropriate.

Students who receive Pupil Premium Funding will have access to tuition for English and Maths. These students will also receive additional funding to support with purchasing stationery, books, and revision guides. These students may or may not be identified on the SEND register.

Some young people may qualify for Exam Access Arrangements for their GCSE (and equivalent) exams in year 10 and 11. Teachers should refer students to the SENDCo for consideration, and provide evidence for their normal way of working in the classroom, and for class-based assessments. The SENDCo will undertake individual assessments, no earlier than the Summer term of year 9. These assessments provide a standardised score, which are used to apply to the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) if they have a qualifying score. Applications are made to the JCQ based on their criteria, and their deadlines. Exam Concessions cannot be given without approval from the JCQ.

What support is there for my child's wellbeing?

  • Pastoral system. Each year group has a Head of Year and an Assistant Head of Year who oversee the pastoral aspects for all students in their year group on a day-to-day basis. Students see their form tutor at the start of every day. The form tutor is the main point of contact for home-school issues.
  • Student views. The college has a school council where young people can raise any issues that affect them across the College. Questionnaires are also completed to enable all young people to share their views. At EHC plan Annual Review meetings, the young people are asked to contribute to the meeting and discuss what support they need to be in place.
  • Sports College. Crown Hills is a designated sports college. All students are expected to fully participate in PE lessons. Lessons may be adapted using modified equipment or activities as appropriate. Some students will participate in Disability/ Inclusive sports events, and represent our school at a regional or national level. We have a Fencing Team.
  • Communication within the College. The Heads of Year and SENDCo liaise regarding any concerns about a student to discuss the best way to progress with support.
  • Well-being team. Crown Hills is part of the Healthy Schools Initiative, and there are teachers in school who form a well-being team. They promote a healthy lifestyle and events for positive mental health for all.
  • Education Welfare. Mrs Bishop is our Welfare Officer and a designated safeguarding lead. Mrs Bishop monitors attendance, and meets regularly with the Education Welfare Officer.
  • Safe guarding training. All staff complete safe guarding and PREVENT training each year. The Designated Safeguarding Leads meet regularly. All staff are expected to follow safe-guarding protocols and record any incidents on a centralised system.
  • School nurse. We have an allocated school nurse who comes into school regularly. Students are referred to the school nurse through the Heads of Year.
  • Anti-bullying policy.
  • E-safety policy.
  • Behaviour policy. Bullying and any issues relating to behaviour in lessons is dealt with by the Heads of Year and Assistant Heads of Year in conjunction with the behaviour manager. The behaviour and social inclusion workers deal with all issues concerning behaviour in lessons, in and around the school, and issues of bullying.
  • Breakfast club. Breakfast is available in the dining room every morning for students. This is provided free of charge. (Not available currently due to COVID restrictions).
  • We have a counsellor based in school. Referrals are made by the Head of Year, or DSLs.
  • Social interventions. We have specific interventions to support students with social skills. These include Nurture; social communication; speech and language; and social stories.

Designated teacher for Looked After Children, Mr Patel, Assistant Principal.

What specialist services are at or accessed by the college?

  • Educational Psychology
  • Learning, Communication and Interaction Team
  • Visual Support Teachers
  • Hearing Support Teachers
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Physio therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • ADHD Solutions
  • Connexions
  • Counselling services – school based.
  • Counselling services external- The Laura Centre
  • Virtual Schools Team (Looked After Children)
  • Social Care and Health
  • School Nurse
  • NHS Transitions Team
  • Children’s centres/ Early help/ Family support workers
  • Primary Social, Emotional and Mental Health Team (SEMH).
  • Leicester Partnership School
  • Arqoon Somali support service
  • SENDIASS- Special Educational Needs Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service.
  • Skills and expertise from staff in school

We will seek advice and support from other specialist services if required.

What training are the staff having or have had?

Mrs Glasby, SENDCo.

  • National Professional Qualification for Middle Leaders, NPQML.
  • CPTA3: Assessment and Access Arrangements
  • PGCert National SENCo Award
  • PGCert The Philosophy and Practice of Nurture.
  • PGCE Secondary
  • BSc Hons. Geography.

Mrs Glasby attends regular training relating to SEND to keep up to date with professional advice and changes to Government policy. Mrs Glasby also attends a SENDCo network offered by Leicester Learning Services, and is a member of the secondary SENDCo hub.

All SEND teachers and Teaching Assistants are offered opportunities for Professional Development.

Staff who deliver interventions have received appropriate training. This includes:

  • Read Write Inc, Inference, Nurture, Speech and Language, Numicon, Social Communication, Circle of Friends.

Teaching assistants have completed training to support students with specific difficulties. This includes:

  • ASD awareness, Visual impairment, hearing impairment, ADHD, Attachment disorder, Dyslexia and Exam Access Arrangements.

We provide in-school training for TAs each week.

All staff complete safe-guarding training.

Some teaching assistants have additional or subject specific qualifications and are deployed within subject areas.

Teachers are encouraged to attend SEND- specific training. The whole staff have completed Autism Awareness training.

How will my child be involved in activities?

All students are offered the same opportunities for extra-curricular activities, including trips and visits, in subject areas. Where a student has SEND we may undertake additional risk assessments, or increase the staff: student ratio to ensure that the Health and Safety of the student is not affected, and that they are able to fully participate in the activity.

The Nurture Group manage an allotment in the school grounds. These students have the opportunity to have a gardening lesson each week.

In KS4 the Foundation Learning groups may participate in units of work where they go on visits. This may include additional work experience or contact with different employers, or supporting independent travel.

In KS4, all students participate in work experience. Additional visits to employment fairs, and places of work may be organised for specific students.

The SEND department organise trips for identified students.

We participate in youth disability sports competitions through the Sports College at local and National level.

All young people are encouraged to participate in whole- college activities. House competitions are open to all students, and allow young people to demonstrate many non-academic talents.

Crown Hills has a ‘Fencing academy’ and young people with SEND may be asked to join; they may become the next Paralympic fencing champion.

How accessible is the college?

Crown Hills College is a newly built school (2013). The building is compliant with statutory guidelines in the Equality Act (2010).

Within classrooms, seating plans are considered to ensure that young people are sat appropriately. Storage spaces are provided for bags and coats in science labs and technology rooms to make sure that young people can move around safely.

All classrooms have blinds to adjust lighting levels.

Some classrooms have modified furniture to enable access for individuals.

All zones and classrooms have access to ICT equipment that can be used to enhance learning and increase accessibility to learning for individual students. We have access to specialist equipment where necessary. Screen sharing programmes are available.

There is lift access to all levels of the school building. In the event of a fire there are emergency evacuation alarms in some exits. There are emergency exits that lead directly outside on most levels.

To accommodate additional student numbers, the temporary modular building has been installed in the front car park. There is no lift, and so consideration must be given to re-house some students due to inaccessibility. Accessibility will be discussed with the business manager. Evac chairs are provided in the TMB.

Accessibility plans are produced to ensure individual students can get around the building safely.

We have links with outside agencies to modify resources for visually impaired students. We also have equipment, and have provided training, so that resources can be modified in school.

All sports facilities are accessible, and we have access to specialist sports equipment.

Disabled toilets are located around the school on all floors.

Key members of staff are First Aid trained. Staff undertake specialist training for specific medical conditions, or for administering medication, on an annual basis.

How will the college support my child when they join?

welcome visits from any parents/ carers with a child with SEND to discuss additional needs and provision that is available at Crown Hills College.

Transferring from Primary school:

  • Mrs Glasby, SENDCo, makes transition visits to primary schools to ensure that we are fully aware of individual needs, and so that we can plan to support your child through the transition process into secondary school.
  • Miss Butler, the transition coordinator, will visit all year 6 students in their primary school and provide them with a pack of information about Crown Hills.
  • Vulnerable students are invited to extra transition visits in the summer term with the SEND team.
  • Adult support is provided on the transition days.
  • Information relating to young people on the SEND register is provided to key staff in the Summer term, and then to all staff at the start of the Autumn term.
  • The SENDCo will request information from parents of students on the SEND register.
  • During the first half term, the SENDCo and other members of the SEND team will check in with SEND students, observe them in lessons, conduct transition questionnaires, and do some baseline assessments.

Mid-term transfers:

The transition process will be completed by the year team in the first instance. The Head of Year will arrange for a meeting to be held in school. Where a young person has been identified as having a SEND need, they will inform the SENDCo.

For a young person with an EHC plan, the local authority will consult Crown Hills and send a copy of their EHC plan to request a placement. All requests are considered and replies returned to the local authority.

Once a place has been agreed, the SENDCo will arrange for some transition visits, and a meeting with parents. A personalised transition into school can be arranged in liaison with parents.

How are the SEND Parents involved in the college?

All parents and carers are encouraged to attend parent consultation evenings. The SENDCo is available at these evenings to discuss progress and support for your child.

Parents should communicate with form tutors using student planners.

Parents and carers can ring the school and ask to speak with the SENDCo at any time.

Young people with an EHC plan will have a statutory Annual Review, which parents/ carers are invited to attend.

The SENDCo will arrange meetings for parents/ carers of SEND support students when appropriate.

The SENDCo will organise information sharing events for parents.

Review meetings are delivered under the philosophy of the person-centred review, and all young people are invited to attend and contribute to their meeting.

Throughout the year we undertake student voice questionnaires for students with SEND.

The SEND department holds a celebration lunch event at the end of each year to celebrate and share the successes and achievements of young people with SEND and their parents/ carers.

Support for young people with SEND post COVID-19

Places in school:

During periods of school closure young people with and EHC plan will be offered a place in school. Where parents/ carers choose to keep their child at home, they will need to contact the school. Teaching Assistants will support learning those in school.

Places may also be offered to other young people on the SEND register where it is deemed in the best interests of the young person. A risk assessment may be under-taken.

Remote learning:

All students will be expected to follow their normal timetable to access lessons remotely using Microsoft Teams.

Young people with an EHC plan will be provided with Chromebook/ device to ensure they are able to access lessons remotely. Teachers ad Teaching Assistants may use ‘breakout rooms’ to provide individual or small group support and activities.

The College will endeavour to loan devices to other students on a needs basis.

Supporting well-being:

Well-being activities will be planned into the pastoral programme during tutor time for all students. Advice for well-being activities will also be shared by the SENDCo.

The SENDCo and pastoral teams will maintain contact with vulnerable young people and their families. This will include some, but not all, young people on the SEND register.

Where a parent contacts the College to share concerns, a member of staff will respond to that concern.

Returning to College:

The SENDCo, in liaison with the pastoral team, will identify any students who may need additional support in returning to school. Intervention to support returning to College and supporting their well-being will be top priority.

The College has a school counsellor. Any young person who is showing signs of anxiety can access the counsellor.

Interventions will be planned to support young people who need support where gaps in learning have widened.

Who can I contact for more information?

School telephone: 0116 2736893 

Complaints Procedure

For any complaints relating to SEND please contact Mr F Adam, Principal.

Useful Websites

You can access more information about SEND in the Local Authority at:

The Leicester ‘SEND Local Offer’ provides information and links to organisations to support young people with SEND and their families.

SENDIASS provide advice and support to parents/ carers, especially in relation to supporting through the Statutory Assessment process. SENDIASS:  0116 482 0870

Other useful websites:

